Heraldic Arts
Movie Reviews
Pricing and Order Information

We accept

payments through

You can pay for your purchases from Appleton Studios using your credit card, through PayPal™. This service is entirely free for you. Here's how it works:

To purchase an item from our website, simply click on the add to shopping cart button. You may add one, or as many more items as you would like, to your personal shopping cart. Some items have the option of ordering either a CD-ROM or a USB drive with the ordered items on them. When you are finished shopping, click on one of the view shopping cart buttons, and then follow the simple directions to checkout. If you already have a PayPal account, you can login in with your username and password. If you are new to PayPal, you can create a new (and free!) account with them. (I had a personal PayPal account long before Appleton Studios started doing business through them, which I still use for many of my on-line purchases. I have found PayPal to be completely safe and secure.) When finished, PayPal immediately e-mails Appleton Studios with the fact of your payment and the items you have ordered (we do not see your credit card information), and we ship them to you.

Or, if you prefer not to give credit card information on-line, we accept orders paid by check or money order. For your convenience, we have created a mail-in Order Form which you can print out, fill in, and mail with your payment. The Order Form is available for your convenience in downloading or printing out as either an Adobe .pdf file or as a Word document.

Prices for our other heraldic services - research, lectures, consultations, design, embroidery charts, and other applications of heraldry - are made, because of the wide differences in size, complexity, etc., on a case-by-case basis.

For a free estimate on any of these services, please contact us at the address, telephone number, or e-mail addresses here.

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